Before making any tension adjustment check that the belts for the Y-Axis is properly around both the motor pulley and idler.
Next using a 4mm hex wrench loosen the 4 bolts that go up through the motor and into the top motor plate. (Red Arrows and Circles) DO NOT remove the bolts, loosen them just enough to let the motor slide.
Next using a 4mm hex wrench, tighten or loosen the M5 pressing on the side of the stepper motor. (Blue Arrow)
Tighten the bolt to apply more tension to the belt.
Loosen the bolt to apply less tension to the belt.
You want both Y belts to be similar tensions and can be plucked like a guitar string but so high that it makes a high pitch sound with plucked.
You will know if it is to loose if during moves it looks like the belt bunches up on one of the sides of the pulley or idler looking like a wave.
Once you have the belt to the proper tension secure the 4 bolts mounting the motor to the motor plate. (Red Arrows and Circles)
Almost done!
Finish Line